Monday, January 11, 2010

How Cold Is It?!

Seventeen, yes, 17 degrees at my back door this morning. Tampa Airport, Where nobody still lives. Set a record low temp this morning of 26 degrees. It's 33 in Miami and 36 at Marathon Key. This is the coldest morning thus far in our almost 2 week long foray into Arctic bitterness. They say tomorrow we should start warming up and be back to our more normal lows in the 50's highs in the 70's by the end of the week. That will be most welcome! John's been wearing three layers of clothes every day, so I've been doing my favorite (NOT) job of laundry every other day. He says it's job security for me! So lucky am I!!
Even the dripper bird bath is frozen solid this morning! I have a stalagtite growing where the drop falls! And check out the icicles on the bird bath! They go almost to the ground! Poor birdies. At least their feeders are full.
Today would have been my dad's 78th birthday. He was only 61 when he passed away.

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